Vanguard Gunworks has the ability to obtain just about any firearm or accessory you are looking for. We can even get ammo, knives, and other outdoor gear - all at discounted prices for you. We only keep a small inventory of items on hand, but if you can wait a couple days for items to come in, it may be worth your while.
For all sales, please contact Vanguard Gunworks via any of the 'Contact Us' links to purchase any item. There are no direct web sales at this time.
If you are purchasing a firearm, once it is in the store, all you need to do is prove your identification, Florida residency*, fill out Form 4473, and await the results of a background check through the Florida Department of Law Enforcement. There is a mandatory $5 fee for the background check. We accept cash, local checks, Mastercard and Visa. Once the background check is approved, if you have a Florida Concealed Weapons Permit, there is no wait. If you do not have a FL CWP, there is a mandatory three day waiting period that begins at the earliest provable date that you ordered or purchased the firearm. You may now take your new firearm with you.
*A valid government issued ID is required to transfer any firearm. To prove Florida residency, a Florida Driver's License or Florida Identification Card is typical. For you part-time Florida residents, aka 'Snowbirds', a valid out of state ID is ok, but additional documents will be required to prove Florida residency such as a Warranty Deed for your Florida home.
Vanguard Gunworks will not transfer a firearm to any person that cannot prove Florida residency or is under the age of 21.
Check out our GunBroker auctions!
Used Gun Sales
Click images for more pictures
Sig Sauer P226 Legion 9mm - $1100
Ruger 10/22 Takedown .22lr - $SOLD
Colt Government Competition - $975
Springfield Armory Range Officer Compact - $850
Other Sales
Sanctuary Security Vault - $99.99
Norma Tac-22 .22 LR 40 gr- $5
Federal American Eagle 9mm, 124 gr FMJ- $17
Hornady Frontier 5.56 62 gr FMJ- $15
IMI 5.56 FMJ - $15

Vanguard Gunworks Gift Cards - $25
Vanguard Gunworks T-shirts - $25
Vanguard Gunworks Hats - $20
1301 Pedro Ct
The Villages, FL 32159
(352) 633-7474